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Career Coaching Session

Recent college grads trying to figure out life

  • 1 hour
  • 150 US dollars
  • Customer's Place

Service Description

As a dedicated career coach specializing in guiding recent college graduates, I'm here to help you navigate the post-graduation transition with confidence and purpose. If you've found yourself asking, "Now what?" after completing your degree, I'm here to provide personalized one-on-one support. Together, we'll embark on a journey of self-discovery, uncovering your likes, dislikes, and passions to set you on the right career path. I'll assist you in building your internal network from scratch, ensuring you have the connections you need to succeed. One of the key aspects of our collaboration will be crafting a compelling elevator pitch and learning the invaluable skill of asking for help effectively. These skills are essential for making a lasting impression in your professional interactions. I'll also guide you through the practical aspects of the job search process, from perfecting your resume to mastering job search strategies and honing your interview techniques. My ultimate goal is to equip you with the tools and knowledge necessary to secure your dream job and embark on a fulfilling career journey. Let's work together to turn your post-college uncertainties into a clear and exciting career path. Your dream job is within reach, and I'm here to help you achieve it.

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